Audio Library Volume 2 “beat, subdivision & multiple”
by Françoise Lombard
THE PEDAGOGICAL GUIDE is included in the purchase of the volume.
It contains explanations and suggestions for the pedagogical development of each musical track.
1. Walk
TRACK 1 EDUCATIONAL CONTENT extract from the pedagogical guide
What type of approach do the style and tempo of this piece suggest? Walk the pulse (one sound = one step). To vary the walk: change direction with each new phrase, or alternate forward / backward, or walk alone or in pairs (triplets are good indicators of change). Identify the structure of the piece and adapt the movements in space to the musical form: return to the starting place when the first theme returns. One could imagine two contrasting movements for the first and second theme. In a small space: clap the pulse or the first beat on the knees, shoulders, in the hands. This piece lends itself to a variety of responses according to the specific goals of the teacher; for example, one could ask students to walk twice as slowly as the beat. Otherwise, one could create a simple choreography on this clearly structured piece of music.
2. 4/4 quarter half whole notes
3. 4/4 Sequence of fourth & eighth notes
4. Quarter & eighth notes together
5. Modal Suite
6. Classical Suite
7. Anapest & pulsation
8. 3/4 continuous canon
9. 4/4 syncopation twice as fast/twice as slow
10. Irish Melody
This material is intended to promote the learning of music through body movement, but it does not constitute a professional “music and movement” training. Therefore, its use does not authorise one to use the title of Dalcroze teacher. However, the experimentation of the Library could inspire and motivate a person to pursue a more advanced training of Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics, with the option of obtaining, after several years of study, professional recognition.
Improvisations : Françoise Lombard
© Les Éditions Adragante, Canada
Recording : Michel Comeau, Northmount Studio, Montreal
Mastering : TrueSound Louis Morneau
Cover photos : David Tucker © ICDS
Cover photos : Michel Comeau © Dalcroze Canada
Cover graphic design : Michel Comeau
Volume 2 is based on the notion of pulsation and develops the concept of division and multiplication of the basic pulsation. This naturally leads us to different speeds, in precise relation to each other. These relationships necessarily imply relations between the notions of time, space and energy, central subject of the Dalcroze pedagogy. The musician’s gestures such as the distribution/division of the bow, the placement of the breath, the anticipation of a jump on the keyboard, require a mastery of the time-space-energy relationship. All these gestures are essentially physical gestures, and therefore felt first in the body. It is the body that has to manage the modifications of energy, time or space in its gestures with the instrument.
This volume presents a subject that is both simple and complex. As a starting point for many possible applications and variations, we are happy to introduce you to our proposals and then invite you to explore yours.
This album has been created by highly qualified Dalcroze teachers and practising musicians: FRANÇOISE LOMBARD (Canada) : concept, improvisations, pedagogical guide.
Her colleagues LISA PARKER (USA), CHENG-FENG LIN (Canada) and MARY BRICE (Switzerland) contributed to the realisation of her project through their participation in the educational content.
Recording : Northmount Studio, Montreal
Artistic direction : Michel Comeau
Mastering : Louis Morneau
Production : Stareyes inc. Music and Education
Publishing : © Les Éditions Adragante/SOCAN
© This material is intended exclusively for pedagogical purposes.
All rights reserved
Stareyes was founded in 1986 in Montreal by two multidisciplinary artists. Musical and audiovisual achievements focused on education, relationships, musical pedagogy and listening.
Stareyes was founded in 1986 in Montreal by two multidisciplinary artists. Musical and audiovisual achievements focused on education, relationships, musical pedagogy and listening.