Audio Library Volume 4 “contrasts”

by Françoise Lombard

in the purchase of the volume.

It contains explanations and suggestions for the pedagogical development of each musical track.


– Children listen to the piece and share what they have heard. Seated on the floor, they tap on the floor beside them the beats of the loud phrases and those of the soft phrases gently on their knees.

– Staying in two groups, facing each other, one is “f” and the other is “p”. Step the phrases, clap them or move with the music in place. Children are left free to choose two different ways of clapping, stepping or moving which correspond to the dynamics of the phrases.

– Show the phrases by a gesture of the arm and hand; the quality of this gesture will make visible the dynamic quality of each phrase (more energy, larger movement for loud phrases, less energy, smaller movement for soft phrases).

– Choose a movement of the whole body which corresponds to the phrase, and adapt this movement to the dynamic of the phrase.

– Children make a big circle, step forwards for the “forte” phrases and backwards for the “piano” phrases.

– With a partner: walk together (“f”) and apart (“p”), but still connected. How are one’s  steps different for “f” and “p”? Younger children would enjoy the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, where the giant would be represented by the loud phrases and Jack by the soft phrases. Older children could choose a character and experiment with making this character “loud” or “soft”.

– With a partner: make gestures in place, interacting.

– In small groups or one at a time make a parade of characters. Teacher draws their attention to the crescendo which announces a reversal of dynamics.

From 5 years of age.

This material is intended to promote the learning of music through body movement, but it does not constitute a professional “music and movement” training. Therefore, its use does not authorise one to use the title of Dalcroze teacher. However, the experimentation of the Library could inspire and motivate a person to pursue a more advanced training of Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics, with the option of obtaining, after several years of study, professional recognition.

Improvisations : Françoise Lombard 
© Les Éditions Adragante, Canada

Recording : Michel Comeau, Northmount Studio, Montreal

Mastering : TrueSound Louis Morneau

Cover photos : David Tucker    © ICDS

Cover photos : Michel Comeau    © Dalcroze Canada

Cover graphic design : Michel Comeau

The subject of contrasts is one way in which young children can begin to put words on what they hear. It is an excellent didactic tool for making conscious what is often intuitive listening.
This volume introduces contrasts one by one; these are clearly highlighted. This gives teachers the opportunity to have children discover one contrast at a time, so that they know where to focus their attention: for example, loud and soft, fast and slow, light and heavy, high and low. However, improvisations often allow other parameters to emerge which dress up the musical framework but remain in the background, as long as the children are not asked to recognise or identify them.

The music in this volume is, at its most simple level, music of contrasts, but there is often a subtlety in the improvisation which makes it appropriate not only for young children but for older children and even adults.

Contrasts become more conscious for the child when he or she expresses them with his/her entire body. In return, the associations between music and movement favour bodily consciousness and the body schema.



This album has been created by highly qualified Dalcroze teachers and practising musicians: FRANÇOISE LOMBARD (Canada) : concept, improvisations, pedagogical guide.

Her colleagues LISA PARKER (USA), CHENG-FENG LIN (Canada) and MARY BRICE (Switzerland) contributed to the realisation of her project through their participation in the educational content.

Recording : Northmount Studio, Montreal

Artistic direction : Michel Comeau

Mastering : Louis Morneau

Production : Stareyes inc. Music and Education

Publishing : © Les Éditions Adragante/SOCAN

© This material is intended exclusively for pedagogical purposes.

All rights reserved



Stareyes was founded in 1986 in Montreal by two multidisciplinary artists. Musical and audiovisual achievements focused on education, relationships, musical pedagogy and listening.

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